Friday 13 June 2014

Paalak ka Raita :: Spiced Spinach Raita :: Low fat Spinach yoghurt dip

Why am I posting so many Raitas, Chutneys and Drinks these days ? Because its Summer and that’s all I am having to keep myself light and energetic. Well, along with the usual Dal – roti – rice – Sabzi stuff… So every day I prepare some or the other variety of any of these things to include more and more cooling ingredients in my diet. Yoghurt is  a must so I keep atleast one dish made of yoghurt aside to compliment the hot platter.

I make Spinach Raita in two ways. One – with using the Spinach Puree and other one using just raw chopped Spinach leaves. I like both of them equally since spinach is anyway my favourite. I usually prepare this version  for get together-s since it has various flavours from onion, tomatoes and spinach and is liked even by Spinach- haters. The other version is a no onion recipe which I will be posting very soon on the Blog.

It’s a crunchy Raita and goes very well with spicy rice dishes like Biryani, Pilaf, Pulav etc. I also enjoy it sometimes with my salads, like this Summer Garden salad.. it tastes amazing with this one. While the recipe is very simple and quick, the taste is quite exotic. You may skip the onion if you don’t like the raw smell but  the crunch part will be missing then and the Raita will just be a soggy yoghurt spinach dip. You may however, replace onion with a tbsp. of grated or very finely sliced Cabbage if you don’t mind the raw smell. It will impart the similar crunch and  substance to the Raita, minus the onions.

We tend to add a tad more black pepper in this version to infuse tingling flours into otherwise bland Spinach. And a dash of grated Ginger takes this dip to a whole new dimension.

Now, why am I rambling on and on for just a simple Raita ? Because, I have learnt from experience that no recipe is simple. If you haven’t tried this version of Spinach Raita before, I will strongly recommend it. My friends had it first time at a get together at my place, and they absolutely loved it. Since then, they have made this a number of times for their meals.  Lets move on to the humble recipe now

Prep Time: 5-7 minutes
Cooking Time: 2-3 minutes
Serves: 3-4 people
Cuisine:-  North Indian, Punjabi
Spice Level:   Mild 
Recipe Level:  Easy
Shelf Life: Up to 1-2 hours at room temperature, up to 2 hours in the Fridge
Serving Suggestion: With Spicy rice dishes like Biryani, Pilaf etc.

Nutritional Facts:- Cooling, Rich in iron, Vitamins and Pro-biotics.

What you need?
  • 1 1/2 cup thick Yogurt - preferably chilled 
  • 1/2 cup water 
  • 1 packed cup Spinach , washed thoroughly and chopped very small
  • 1 medium sized onion , chopped very small
  • 1 tbsp of grated ginger
  • A few sprigs of fresh Coriander leaves
  • 1 medium tomato, chopped very small
  • Salt to taste - about 1 tsp
  • 1/4 tsp Black Salt ( optional ) 
  • 1/2 tsp Black Pepper 
  • 1 tsp Cumin seeds 

How to make?

  • Chop all the vegetables really small and keep aside
  • Whisk the Yogurt with water and make a smooth mixture. Throw in the vegetables and the spices except the Cumin seeds and fold them together. Add chopped coriander, mix and transfer to a serving bowl. 
  • Heat a pan, and dry roast cumin seeds for half a minute or so. Transfer them on a wooden board and crush them with the help of a rolling pin. You could also do that in a mortar and pestle. 
  • Sprinkle this crushed cumin on the Raita and serve immediately 
Some Notes:

  • Adding Black Pepper is optional, but it really enhances the flavor many fold. Trust me on this ! 
  • Do not keep this Raita at Room temperature for long, since once the Spinach soaks the moisture, it will get soggy and wont taste that good. Have it all till its crunchy and fresh. 
  • Its recommended to use chilled yogurt. If you prepare this raita and keep it in Fridge for chilling, the onion will start stinking and spinach will get soggy in a short while. It wont taste good, so prepare and serve it fresh

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