Wednesday 11 June 2014

Mango Vanilla Lassi :: Mango Yoghurt Vanilla Smoothie :: Mango Recipes :: Summer drinks

In this blistering heat, there are only two things which calms and soothes me down. One- Rain and two – Mangoes. Most of us adore Mangoes ! And the best variety that I love is the “Chasaa” aam. The one which you squeeze and  then eat  the flesh out of it, the one which makes your hands ad mouth all dirty with the running juices, and the one which is sweet to an extent that it’s to die for. And I am not such  a big fan of the famous and “overhyped” Alphonso Mangoes. They are OK, sweet enough but not worth the cost really. I believe we should stick to the local produce when it comes to mangoes since that gives the best of flavours and  saves us loads.  I have a strong belief on sticking to my roots.  Which means, a major part of my daily diet comprises of the food which I have been eating since my childhood. And although I do enjoy exploring other cuisines and  recipes I don’t rely on them to strengthen my body and mind. So yes, I do like Quinoa and Oats but I love my Semolina and Broken wheat Porridge more..

Anyway, sticking to Mangoes. There is no "recipe" for this Mango Lassi as we all know. But since people search for it. even I can name a few who have done this.. Infact around 4-5 years ago, I also once searched for the difference between Mango Lassi and mango shake, since I only had had the later. So I have come to learn that there is no such thing as “no recipe”. There is a recipe even for “how to boil water” and “how to melt ice”. Yes, I am not joking, I have seen it ! I have just lost that link, email it to me if you ever find it anywhere on the net.

So again, this is the simple recipe for Mango Lassi with a hint of Vanilla essence. Nothing fancy .. But it’s a very refreshing and filling drink which is a must to try if you haven’t yet.  I have seen its very popular in Restaurants these days and people usually sip Mango Lassi instead of Chaachh / Chaas.. Which I personally condemn since it’s a very heavy drink if taken along with a proper meal.  But anyway- you don’t commit this mistake. Have it for Breakfast ( which is the best time for a yoghurt and fruit mix ) or in the evening for a refreshment.

To make it healthier, you may add the following things into it which will retain the taste and texture and add up to nutritional value as well:
  • Protein powder
  • Flax meal
  • Roasted Roy powder – just a tea spoon

Prep Time: 5-7 minutes
Cooking Time: 2-3 minutes
Serves: 3-4 people
Cuisine:-  North Indian, Punjabi
Spice Level:   Sweet, Dessert
Recipe Level: Super Easy
Shelf Life: 12-20 hours at room temperature, up to 2 days in the Fridge
Serving Suggestion: With savoury snacks, finger food etc.

Nutritional Facts:- Cooling drink, Rich in calcium, Vitamin A  and Pro-biotics.

What you need?
  • 1 medium seized Mango
  • 2 cups yoghurt
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ½ cup chilled milk
  • 8-10 ice cubes
  • 1 tsp Vanilla essence
  • A few chopped Pistachios 

How to make?
  • Peel the Mango and take as much flesh out as you can. Blend it in a mixer with sugar until its smooth and the sugar is mostly dissolved
  • Add milk and Vanilla Essence and blend it for another minutes
  • Add ice cubes and give 2-3 pulses, so to crush the ice cubes
  • Pour into serving glasses and garnish with chopped Pistachios. Serve Chilled 

  • Do not add ice cubes before the sugar is dissolved. Since after adding ice cubes, the sugar wont dissolve easily
  • If you are using chilled or Frozen yoghurt, simply dissolve the sugar in 2 tbsp of warm milk and then add it to the yoghurt and blend everything together.
  • You may skip the sugar if the mangoes are very sweet, or you are using canned Mango Pulp
  • You may freeze this to savour it as Frozen Mango yoghurt for later.

Linked to Breakfast Recipes event running @ Cooking for all seasons. 

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