Sunday 27 April 2014

Tangy Tomato Chutney :: Easy Tamatar ki Chutney

While browsing the internet an article titled, "The most unhealthy veggie sandwich" caught my eye. Curious to find out which sandwich got this title and also apprehensive that it may be one of those veggie sandwiches that I occasionally have when eating out, I warily clicked on the article. I was relieved to find that the sandwich mentioned in the article is something I have never had, yet the information was quite shocking and an eye-opener.  This sandwich was not the only shocker, the article then went on to list a whole list of extremely high calorie foods available at restaurants including a Spinach Ravioli at a famous Italian Restaurant chain that contains a whopping 1630 calories and 74 g of fat. Amazing isn't it, I am so glad that neither of these items nor the other items mentioned in the list have been ones I have ever ordered when eating out.

Having said that I realize that most of the food served at restaurants tend to be much higher in calories than when we make them at home. This is the reason I avoid eating out too much and when I do, I try and make smarter choices by sticking with low fat soups or watching the portion sizes and eating smaller portions. ( I fail most of the time, though ! )  This usually works well and is a better alternative than giving up eating out completely. I am sure all of you have your own techniques to avoid weight gain even when eating out, do share them.... I would love to hear these tips J J

Moving on to the recipe which is in complete contrast to the discussion above, this chutney is  low fat, wholesome and tasty and I use it to make sandwiches at home and avoid disasters  ;-) I usually use this chutney in veggie sandwiches in place of mayo since its thick and rich but this works just as well in accompaniment with any traditional Indian dish such as dosa's, idli's or roti's or as a dip to go with raw veggies :)

What you need ?
  • 4 large tomatoes cut fine ( I used vine tomatoes)
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 4-5 garlic pods, chopped roughy
  • ½  tsp fenugreek seeds (methi seeds )
  • 6-7 curry leaves
  • 6 whole dry red chillies (or according to taste)
  • 1 large onion cut fine
  • salt to taste

How to make?
  • Heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan, add mustard seeds to it and let them splutter. Throw in curry leaves and fenugreek seeds and fry for almost 20 seconds.
  • When the fenugreek seeds start getting a little browner, add garlic and fry for 20-30 seconds.
  • Add in chopped onions and sauté until transparent then add tomatoes to it.
  • Sauté the tomatoes until it is soft and mushy. Add whole dry red chilies and stir a couple of times. Remove from heat.
  • Allow to cool completely, then grind this mixture to a smooth paste, add salt to taste and mix well and serve with Idli, Ddosa, Parathas, or just use in sandwiches  instead of mayo or use as a dip to go with raw veggies.
  • Refrigerate the balance and use within 2 to 3 days.

  • Addition of garlic is purely optional, but it imparts a very nice flavour to the chutney. Ohh well, I love garlic in everything I eat so you be the judge of your own taste 
  • You may use green chilies instead of red dry ones, the colour will be a bit dull though.
  • You may also add a few coriander leaves towards the end while you are grinding the cooked tomatoes. Again, the colour will not be this shiny red in that case
  • I sometimes boil a small carrot , chop into pieces and add it to the chutney along with tomatoes. It goes very well with the taste, and nobody recognizes its carrot. 


  1. so yummy and tangy chutney.. love the color too

  2. Tomato chutney looks delicious. I make a similar one - Instead of garlic, I use hing (asafetida). Next time, will try it your way. Thanks. Nice pics too.

  3. i have tried all the tips and tricks for the weight loss :D but due to poor metabolism i am unable to reduce, at one point i was going to gym and working out regulary to maintain :D he hee.. i do take outside subject to that moderate level. Never over load it . Lovely recipe of tomato ..

  4. This chutney came right at the time when i am having tonnes of homegrown tomatoes begging to be used in my pantry.. Will definitely try... About eating out and not gaining weight, i guess we can choose healthier and low fat cuisines like lebanese or arabic ones or burn those extra calories by hitting the gym post weekend... :)

  5. Looks yummy! Feel like having those Idlis with tangy chutney now!

    Yum! Yum! Yum! - Coffee Grinder GiveAway

  6. tomato chutney is a perfect accompaniment for idlis.. Love the color of the chutney, looks yummy.

  7. All time fav chutney .Looks wonderful nupur .Sometimes we cant count on calories ,go ahead and eat something wonderful then u forget the calories ...

  8. Chutney looks delish. I make it much the same way.

  9. Chutney looks so pretty and fiery need a hot plate of idly now to go wth this

  10. so yummy and tangy chutney.. love the color too

  11. I have never had, yet the information was quite shocking and an eye-opener. This sandwich was not the only shocker, the article then went on to list a whole list of extremely high calorie foods available at restaurants including a Spinach Ravioli at a famous Italian Restaurant chain that contains a whopping 1630 calories and 74 g of fat

  12. Perfect chutney for idli and dosa.
