Friday 14 March 2014

Healthy Diet Event - Cooking With Wholegrains

Everyone is after a healthy lifestyle these days. Whether or not we achieve it, but we are always striving to get one. And although all of us have our own “cheat” days,  rather meals for me in particular...we ultimately tend to balance  the  diet out with some changes here and there.

In  the advent of keeping ourselves and families healthy, we use ingredients that are better for healthy living and being.  Fortunately, in our Indian culture and Society we are more inclined towards eating fresh and home cooked food rather than having tinned or frozen stuff. Though the fad of fast food is taking this over very fast, most of us still prefer a hot treat of fresh “ Ghar ka Khana “ over anything frozen or canned.

Everyone is crazy over whole foods these days.. Be it Whole wheat, millets, Oats, or Brown rice etc. We do know that having the unrefined variety is way better than having its refined and yet thinner version. To know more about the benefits, visit these pages here, here and here.

What Is A “Whole Grain”?

A grain is the edible seed of a cereal grass. These seeds, called “kernels,” are the means through which the grass reproduces.   A “whole grain” has proportions of the bran, germ, and endosperm similar to those found in the harvested kernel. Whole grains may be intact, but they may also be cracked, flaked, or ground.

Unfortunately, refined variety is so hard to avoid since most of our Biscuits, breads, cakes and pastries ( basically everything indulging ) is made up of refined flour. And unless you have will power of steel, there are high probabilities of having these things every now and then.

Anyway, so here is this event announced by Priya of “Priya’s versatile recipes” to encourage and list food made up of Whole grain. See, it’s a good way to enlist all that you have cooked so far with the whole grain like :

Whole wheat – could be Chapathi, Paratha, Kulcha , cakes, breads, savoury bakes, brown bread preparations etc.
Brown rice- Anything made up of Brown rice
Millets- such as Ragi, Bajra, Jowar, Quinoa etc.
Oats – Anything made up of Oats, sweet or savoury

  • The options are immense, just whirl something up or link your archived recipes. The more the merrier, just repost the recipe with the link to this page and Priya’s announcement page.
  • The last date   to link recipes is 15 April 2014
  • Only Vegetarian recipes please, Eggs are allowed
No more rules, just get started !  Stay healthy, stay happy ! J


  1. Very informative and useful posts about wholegrains.

  2. will link soon.. healthy event..

  3. Happy hosting Nupur..thanks again.

  4. Happy hosting Nupur...good luck :) ' Ghar ka khana ' is the best if someone cooks for me daily.. lol..sometimes i dread to eat what i cook...wish u were my neighbur :P Let me see whether i can whip up something for the event :)

  5. Happy Hosting Nupur. I just linked up my recipe. let me know if the picture doesnt show up..

  6. nyc one..ll try to link up soon.. Happy Hosting Nupur

  7. I will be very happy to participate, good luck with the event hosting.

  8. Aw Nupur had I known I would have linked up. Anyway next time. Need to check all these delicious entries you have here.
