Tuesday 24 July 2012

Peanut Butter Coconut Oatmeal Cookies

Friday evening, home after office and craving for something sweet. Memory reminded me of last days Pizza Lunch in the office which I tucked in without even a blink. And that Large Blueberry Muffin, what about that ??? Uff..... !!!  Really ?? Really you want to go for another cookie spree today ?? 

Finally in the battle of my craving and will power, the usual win went to .. Offcourse my Hearty wish to have yet another Cookie treat. And then started the rush for the lards, settling finally on Peanut Butter and Coconut. I love both of these and have never tried them together in a Cookie. The Original recipe has been taken from here, and the only major change I brought was to decrease the quantity of Oats from 3 cups to 2 cups and the result was just too perfect. I have made Lemony Peanut Butter Cookies in the past, and I liked them equally well. 

Coconut and Peanut Butter both carry their own sweet taste and hence the quantity of Sugar in this recipe is very controlled. You may increase it if you like a sweet cookie, but for us it just worked fine. Also, the original recipe called only for Oil but since I love the taste of butter in Cookies so I took both of them in equal proportion. Another change I made was to add 1 tbsp of Corn Flour. I have used the flour before in cookies and it brings an amazing texture in simple recipes. 

  • 1 cup Whole Wheat Flour
  • 1 cup Rolled Oats
  • 1 cup Instant Oats
  • 1 cup Peanut Butter ( I made fresh at home, see the recipe here )
  • 1 cup Shredded coconut ( I used dessicated , but fresh will be best for this )
  • 2 Eggs
  • 3/4 cup White Sugar 
  • 2 tbsp Brown Sugar 
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder 
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/4 cup Oil
  • 1/4 cup Butter
  • 1 tbsp Corn Flour
  • 1/4 tsp Salt

  • Mix all the dry ingredients in another bowl and combine everything together. 
  • Whisk Eggs with butter and oil till they are fluffy, takes around 5-6 minutes. Add Salt and Sugar and again mix everything till it forms a smooth texture. 
  • Add Peanut Butter in Oil & Egg mix and blend smoothly. 
  • Combine the ingredients from both the bowls and fold together. Grease your hands and shape them in small circles. Sprinkle some brown sugar on top for caramalised effect
  • Arrange them on a greased baking dish and bake in a preheated Oven at 180 degrees for 15-17 minutes. 
  • Cool on a wire rack and serve. 

  • Do not mix dry and wet ingredients rigorously, just fold them together to keep it smooth. 
  • All the ingredients like butter and Egg should be at the room temperature. 
  • You can only use White sugar and skip Brown Sugar completely. 
  • Keep the size of the cookies small so that they are baked from inside evenly and faster. 

Off to Vardhini's Bake Fest hosted by Pumpkin Farm this month,  Fav Cookie Recipe by Zesty South Indian, Divya's Bake ALong Challenge, Lets Party-Go Bake by Best of My kitchen, Srivalli's Cookie Mela , Shema's Cookie Party


  1. cookies look awesome Nupur, v inviting

  2. Beautiful cookies, addition of peanut butter with coconut is new combo to me. But sure they taste great.

    Thanks for linking to Favorite recipes event: Cookies

  3. Awesome posts.. New to your blog.. Loved the recipes and presentations..
    Glad to follow you. Do visit my blog in your spare time..


  4. Cookies look delicious and yum with a lovely combo..

  5. Nice flavorful cookies nupur. They look so yummy...

  6. loved these fresh,healthy and flavourful cookies..beautiful presentation!

  7. That's such a cute crispy treat Nupur.yes sometimes,we do crave for such small things..Nice post as usual !

  8. wow!! that looks a perfect!!!

  9. beautiful clicks..very inviting

  10. looks so yummy..Nice one.. Thanks Linking @ "Let's Party - Go Bake It":)
    Ongoing event
    "Let's Party-Go Bake It"

  11. Love this healthy cookies... Happy to follow u...

  12. looks deliciously crunchy nupur and a simple recipe too!!

  13. Very delicious, Cookies are my favorite and I am sure many people will like to have cookies often. But, these days I am trying to control because of butter used in this.
