Monday 11 August 2014

Roasted Garlic n Cucumber Yoghurt Dip :: Cucumber Raita with roasted garlic :: Lehsuni Kheere ka Raita

Just before the Indian Summer say Adios to us finally, I am trying to post as many summer recipes as I can. That, and also since I made them, clicked and never got a chance to post. So I am trying to clear my drafts  as much as I can, before the shadowy Winters take over.
This year, I have done a lot of Raita posts. I have always had loved Raitas, and lately have experimented it with some vegetables which I never had before. Like this Okra Raita (Ladyfinger/Bhindi) and this Eggplant Raita (Aubergine/Baingan). It was like a new territory for me, since these two were never made in my household, and I had always been skeptical in having some at friends' or relatives'. But now I love them so much, I hardly need anything else with them to complete my meals. Yes, it is that satisfying !
For those who dont know what Raita is? 
Raita is an Indian side dish that’s basically just some creamy yogurt mixed with any kind of vegetable or fruit and a bit of spice. It’s most often served with rice dishes and curries. Raita makes a great cooling agent when your palate feels a burn from those spicy Indian dishes. The beauty of it is that it can really be made with anything.  Usually in North India, its mostly made with boondi, tiny balls of fried gram flour.
Raita doesn’t just have to be an accompaniment to Indian food. Try it as a dip for vegetables or use it as a spread on bread. I sometimes use it as a healthier alternative to salad dressing.  You can even just eat it by itself!

Roasted Garlic and Cucumber Raita Yogurt Dip

So,  now that we know what Raita basically is - lets move onto the recipe below which is for Roasted Garlic and cucumber Raita. This one is a very unusual form of Raita, since garlic is hardly used in the standard formation. But since I love the taste and aroma of roasted garlic in pretty much every thing I have, I thought about trying this version too. Which, to no surprise turned out to be as awesome as I thought it would be. If you love it that much too, then this recipe of Roasted Eggplant and Garlic soup is for you, do have a look before you leave the page :)

Roasting Garlic is a tiny bit of time taking job if you are doing that in oven. I usually plan ahead and roast garlic if I am baking something, to throw in together into the oven. But if I don't do that, or if you dont have time to do that, it can always be done on a roasting griddle. Or even a grill, I haven't done that myself but my friend has and she swears by the taste and texture. If you dont have time/wish to do all this, simply fry garlic in some Olive oil and you are sorted. 
So anyway- any which way you roast your garlic, this Raita is a superb addition to your BBQ platters.  It goes brilliantly with any Satayes, or Grills. To check out some more BBQ ideas, check my posts on Vegetarian Barbeque Ideas, Protein Packed Salad and Virgin Pina Colada

Roasted Garlic and Cucumber Raita Yogurt Dip

Prep Time: 8-10 minutes
Cooking Time: 2-3 minutes
Serves: 3-4 people
Cuisine:-  North Indian, Punjabi
Spice Level:   Mild
Recipe Level:  Easy
Shelf Life: Up to 1-2 hours at room temperature, up to 4 hours in the Fridge
Serving Suggestion: With Spicy rice dishes like Biryani, Pilaf etc.

Nutritional Facts:- Cooling, Rich in iron, Vitamins and Pro-biotics.

What you need ?
  • 2 cups plain thick Yoghurt - you could use Greek yoghurt 
  • 1 cup cucumber - grated or chopped small 
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin 
  • 1/2 tsp salt, or to taste 
  • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper 
  • 1/4 tsp Black Salt ( optional ) 
  • 3-4 cloves of Garlic, roasted then minced 
  • 4-5 sprigs fresh cilantro, chopped
  • Red chili powder, for garnish and some hotness ! :)
Roasted Garlic and Cucumber Raita Yogurt Dip

How to make?

  • Peel the cucumber, then either grate it or chop into very small pieces whichever way you prefer. You may do half and half of both. Keep aside. 
  • Roast the garlic then mince it well with a spoon or hands. If you are not using roasted garlic, then simply heat Olive oil in a small pan and fry some minced pieces of garlic for 15-20 seconds and keep aside. 
  • Combine the yogurt with the spices, garlic and cilantro. Mix well. Stir in the cucumber, mix 
  • Garnish with a sprinkle of chili powder and/or cilantro.
  • Serve immediately with some spicy Rice dish like Pilaf or Biryani or with your curries and Naan. Can be eaten on its own too, if you are that Raita crazy as I am :)
Tips and Notes:
  • You may also add some chopped pieces of Tomato to this Raita, does taste incredible. 
  • If you want my recipe of a special Raita spice mix which I use in all of my Raitas, check this recipe of Mint Raita here. 
  • Make sure that the Yoghurt you use is chilled and you serve it immediately. Do not keep Raita for long after adding all the spices etc. it wont take much time to let it sour 
  • You may also add some crushed mint leaves for garnishing, specially if using for a Barbecue. 
  • Ohh ! And you may use some chopped red onion for an extra punch too. 
Roasted Garlic and Cucumber Raita Yogurt Dip

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