Wednesday 25 June 2014

Vegan Mango Lassi :: Mango Coconut Smoothie :: Tropical Summer drink

Mangoes are in season and I am enjoying them almost every day. Thanks to the blooming hot weather here in England, having chilled Mangoes every evening after work feels such a blessing. I have always loved Mangoes, specially the variety known by “Chausa Aam” in Northern India.. This is the one which is small and  tender, and very juicy. The one which is not being eaten in the form of chopped cubes, but squeezed and sucked the juice out of it. I remember in our childhood, mum used to buy dozens of these mangoes and soak them in cold water in a bucket. Then after Lunch we used to sit together in the shade in our “Aangan” ( Balcony) and enjoy those Mangoes, at least 4-5 per member of the family.  That was such a bliss ! The sticky juices running through our hands, and mouths.. And Mom instructing us not to our clothes all sticky, which we did anyway.. Good time, good memories ! 

Anyway- coming back to the Present. I have seen people avoiding mangoes because they believe these are high in calories. I can only sympathize with those ignorant human beings who are depriving their taste buds and stomachs of this Super healthy and tasty Fruit. For decades, mangoes have been used to soothe stomachs. Similar to papayas, mangoes contain certain enzymes with stomach comforting properties. According to Indian beliefs, mangoes symbolize life and is used in almost every sacred ritual. Mango leaves are used for festivals and wedding decorations. And not to forget the Mango Chutney made from Indian mangoes is one of most popular Chutneys among all. 

Health Benefits of Mango :
  • The deadly combination of vitamin C, vitamin A and various other essential minerals keep your immune system strong and healthy.
  • Mango has high level of vitamin C, pectin and fibres that help to lower serum cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is a rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps to control heart rate and blood pressure.
  • They are highly Alkaline in nature and help in maintaining good Digestive system overall
  • Being low in Calories like all other Fruits, and rich in  Fibre -  it contributes in keeping you fuller for longer , hence in burning additional calories for weight loss.
  • When the sun is bogging you down this summer, just chop of a mango in a juicer; add a little water and a tbsp of sugar free or honey. This juice will instantly cool you down and prevent heat stroke.
  • Mango is rich in iron, hence it is a great natural solution for people suffering from anaemia. Menopausal and pregnant women can indulge in mangoes as this will increase their iron levels and calcium at the same time.

So now you know why Mango is designated as the National Fruit of India. It is true to its position and above everything else, heavenly taste.

This recipe today is another simple yet refreshing drink  made of Mangoes- Mango Coconut Smoothie or in simpler terms- Vegan Mango Lassi. Vegan, since we don’t use yoghurt or milk to prepare this but simply coconut milk and some cashews. I am not particularly Vegan and I do Love milk and yoghurt a lot. But experimenting with new flavours and combinations is a favourite hobby of us foodies, isn’t it !

Coconut and Mangoes both are  Tropical foods and when combined,  make an excellent combination of good Fats, Vitamins and Minerals. A light and very refreshing drink, different from the usual Mango Lassi which is slightly  heavier on  the stomach, yogurt being added to it.

What you need ?
  • 2 ½  cups of Coconut Milk  ( fresh or 2 cans  if using canned )
  • Puree from 2 mangoes – about 2 cups
  • ¼ cup Sugar
  • A pinch of cardamom powder
  • A handful of cashews , roughly chopped small
  • About 8-10 ice cubes

  • Blend the Mango Puree and coconut milk properly  in a mixer.
  • Add sugar, cardamom powder and blend some more until sugar is dissolved completely. Check and add some more if required
  • Now add ice cubes and give a few pulses till ice gets all crushed. Turn off and pour into glasses.
  • Garnish with cashews and serve chilled 
  • I added just 2 tbsp Sugar, since the Mangoes were too sweet. Adjust as per your taste 
  • You may garnish this drink with some Mango chunks or coconut pieces 
  • Add some Pineapple juice for a Pina Colada like taste 

Some more versions of Lassi :

Mango vanilla Lassi 
Rose Lassi 
Punjabi Lassi 
Mango Saffron Milk Shake 

Linked to Breakfast Recipes event running @ Cooking for all seasons. 

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