Friday 6 June 2014

Rose Lassi :: Sweet Yoghurt drink with rose flavour :: Punjabi Lassi recipe

Summers have different impact on different parts of the World. Say in the UK, people celebrate, pack their camping bags and get ready to explore more of the woods. While in India, people prefer to stay in, avoiding the torturous glaze of the Sun, cooling and refreshing themselves with chilled drinks. A country familiar with sweltering summers, these traditional Indian beverages like Lassi, MangoMilk Shake, Jal Jeera etc. form an integral part of our Cuisine. They work not just as a simple refreshment, but the natural cooling properties of their ingredients are designed to keep your body cool.

So anyway, this recipe of today is merely a blend of few ingredients which are light, cooling and good for your body in intense heat.  Lassi is a traditional Punjabi drink, made up of thick fresh home-made  yoghurt and some spices. This Rose Lassi is just a variation to the traditional blend.. combining the mild flavours of Rose petals with yoghurt. To infuse the rose flavour deeply, I have used Gulkand which is a preserve made of rose petals. Its readily available in Indian shop outside India, and in “Pan” shops in India.  Am sure you must have had it at least once.  If not, you are in for a treat dearie ! 

Prep Time: 5-7 mins
Cooking Time: Zero , just blending
Serves: 2-3 people , depending on the serving size
Cuisine:-  North Indian, Punjabi 
Spice Level: Sweet  
Recipe Level: Super Easy
Shelf Life: 12-20 hours at room temperature
Serving Suggestion: Savoury snacks, finger food etc.

Nutritional Facts:- Cooling drink, Rich in calcium and Pro-biotics.

What you need?
  • 2 cups of chilled Yoghurt
  • ½ cup chilled Milk
  • 6-7 ice cubes ( or ½ cup chilled water )
  • 1 tbsp Rose essence
  • 2 tsp Gulkand ( sweetened Rose petals’ preserve )
  • 1 tsp Cardamom powder
  • 4 tbsp Sugar ( adjust as per your taste )
  • A handful of Rose Petals ( if you are really lucky to have them , that is ! )
  • 2-3 mint leaves, crushed for garnish – optional 

How to make? 
  • Blend yoghurt with sugar first of all. Since after adding ice cubes, the sugar won’t get dissolved easily and it will take ages to get it done. Add in milk, pulse once and check Sugar at this point. It should be a tad more sugary than your taste since after adding ice cubes, it will get diluted
  • Add in the ice cubes , rose essence, Rose petal preserve ( Gulkand ) and blend everything together till it comes to your desired consistency. I like mine thick and without any churned ice.
  • Pour into glasses and sprinkle Cardamom powder on top and some crushed Rose petals and mint leaves if you have them
  • Enjoy on a sunny day  with some savoury snacks aside 

  • Adding Rose petals is totally optional, although it does enhance the flavour.
  • You may also add some Rooh-Afza ( Rose flavoured syrup / Sherbet ) for  this pink colour.
  • I like adding milk to my lassis, you may skip it and prepare it with only Yoghurt if you wish.. 

Some more Indian drinks you may like:- 

Mango Milk Shake with saffron 
Jal Jeera 
Watermelon Carrot Juice 
Kiwi Vanilla Coconut Smoothie 
Punjabi Lassi 
Virgin Pina Colada 

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