Tuesday 27 August 2013

Kiwi Dream ~ Kiwi Vanilla coconut Smoothie

The constant good weather has spoiled me. I am saying constant, since it feels like that. My fourth year in the Country and its first time I am discovering so much sheen for such a long time. 3 months I would say, is a very very long time. I am now used to this what seems like eternal sunshine, and long day hours. And I would really feel bad once the temperature will start taking its plunge again, and we will be back to the dark British era. Which trust me, is really depressing to stay in.

This was my first year in the UK, when I actually went to the beach in a beach wear. Not many would call a Kaftan and a hat, a proper beach wear though. But I would happily do that considering I get tanned very quickly and also I don’t know how to swim. Err.. let’s not go there. OK, coming back to the weather. So, this is also my first year of serving chilled desserts at my get togethers, like this amazing Panna Cotta and instant Tiramisu. Said that, I am actually getting a big fan of desserts  served in individual glasses/ jars these days. So you will be seeing at more of these desserts in this space very soon.

I also did some experimenting with the chilled drinks this summer. First time, I managed to prepare something other than Jal Jeera and Mango Lassis.. which were like my limit to drinks. I got this refreshing Pina colada made  which was, to my surprise,  very easy and quick to make.

We went to Switzerland and South of France this year, enjoying the hot weather and realised the eternal truth that – Indian food is still the best in the world. Whatever I had there, all the Pastas, Paninis and Pizzas.. at the end of the day, I missed my usual Dal-rice combo. Life changing experiences, huh! 

So just to kiss Summer good bye, I would like to post this simple Smoothie recipe which has been taken  from a friend. Last year, I did a post on the BBQ we did, with some pictures and suggestion on hows and whats… We didn’t do much of BBQ this year, since it was too hot to stand the heat. Rather I did a spread of chilled drinks in my last get together. One of them was this Kiwi Dream which was appreciated by all and hence the urge of sharing it with my readers :)

I have never liked Kiwi as a fruit, and hence I used to mix it in my morning smoothies. Not sure whether I have shared this morning routineof mine with you, where I blend all the fruits I dislike, together and gulp it down. It keeps my tummy full for 3-4 hours plus I get the benefits of stuff I dont even like to have. I usually mix banana with a bunch of fruits I am not  crazy about like blue berries, peaches and kiwi etc. But when I had this drink at a friend’s place, I was really pleased with the taste. So I tried it at home with some of my own twists, and the result was a perfectly blended Smoothie with so much goodness..  for those who are unaware of the benefits of this wonder fruit, do have a look here and here, you will be tempted to include it in your diet like me :)

Why is it named as Kiwi dream is another story, a one liner actually. It’s so silky smooth and it has chocolate. Need I say more ?

What you need? : For 3-4 medium sized  servings

1 small banana
4 kiwis
1 small piece of white chocolate – one piece from the bar
½ cup thick coconut milk
2 glasses/cups chilled yoghurt
2 tbsp desiccated coconut
1 tsp Vanilla essence
¼ cup sugar 

2 tbsp desiccated coconut – optional, to garnish
1 tbsp crushed mint leaves – optional
Ice cubes – as per choice, optional 

How to make?

  • Take chocolate in a microwave safe bowl, and heat it on high for 30 seconds. Take out and check if its melted, if not keep it for 10 more seconds. Repeat if necessary one more time, checking in between to avoid the burning.
  • Once it melted, mix it with rest of the stuff except the stuff mentioned optional and give a churn in the blender. Once its blended properly, add ice cubes if you are using. I didn’t use ice cubes at all, and I liked that creamy texture.
  • Pour in the glasses, and garnish with crushed mint leaves and dessicated coconut 

My Notes:

  • You may omit sugar completely, and increase the quantity of coconut milk to make it sweeter.
  • I didn’t use ice cubes at all, and it was a bit thick. Just the way I wanted it to be, you may like a more runny version.
  • You may omit chocolate completely, but it gives a very different flavour to the drink so its highly recommended
  • Don’t leave the chocolate for more than 2 minute outside lese it will harden up and you will have to melt it again. 


  1. Love the pleasant colors of your clicks! Kiwi Smoothie sounds good!

  2. it looks so creamy and yummy!

  3. Smoothie looks delicious. Never tried a Kiwi drink before though its a favorite fruit so bookmarking :-)

  4. One yum drink love the combinations just makes me imagine how good it must have been. Making hay while the sun shines babe? ;-) enjoy the sun as long as it lasts

  5. Lovely combination of fruits... awesome clicks!

  6. lovely presentation and kiwi smoothie looks absolutely Smooth and tempting dear :)

  7. The drink looks awesome ... Will try it soon before kiwi season ends here.

  8. Omg, wat a delightful drink, very exotic and delicious.

  9. I love kiwi and its a perfect breakfast smoothie I would love to have.

  10. Wow, this is very interesting blend! Im definitely gonna try this out! Thanks for idea :)

  11. Love the combination! Am making this one soon for sure. it is sure to beat the heat right now :)

  12. Love the combination! will try it soon.. perfect to beat the heat right now :)
