Monday 17 September 2012

Cook n Bake : With Spinach

I've always loved being in the kitchen. Isn't that the gathering place at parties and get togethers! That's where the action is, where delicious smells come from, and where I go to create some really great stuff! Being busy with studies and work never really gave me a fair chance to indulge myself into this completely. Neither did I have that patience and time living around my girlfriends during my Bachelor days.
Well my tryst with cooking got renewed last year when after my marriage, I found myself with a lot of time to write, crochet, cook and what not until my prince charming got back from work. I am a very talkative person so channelling all my energies into cooking and doing more than one dish a day was a great way for me to kill time. And there I discovered Baking, the phenomenon I was totally unaware of, until that day. And my journey in the Kitchen kick started… Imagine my surprise when I discovered that I actually can bake and enjoy it too. :D
There is just something about the smell of freshly baking cookies and cake that seems to call to me every time. It is almost an obsessive need to flow with that scent that lingers in the air and just have it all around you all the time. There are challenges every time, every day and I am loving them .. Err !! Most of them ..
One of the challenges I faced while baking is not being able to find some of the ingredients in all the super markets nearby. Most of the time, to find any particular kind of whipping cream or some philadelphia cream cheese, I would have to head out to a large super market. The next challenge lay in buying baking tools. I have this huge thing that when I do something, I gotta have everything in place. So I have been indulging in buying quite a few baking trays and dishes. My next acquisition is a good blender/ beater, which I hope to be able to find today. What can I say? I don't plan to open a bakery, but I definitely want to keep baking, if only to lose myself in the heady scent of freshly made cakes and cookies. ;)
Coming to this event, I thought of myself using Lards kept in my fridge every time I think of a meal and I plan accordingly. Throwing leftovers together is a favourite pursuit too. Hence evolved the theme for this event… Making the most out of available things ... Use your veggies/fruits/dairy in different dishes with different cooking methods, one of which has to be BAKING.. Others could be Stove cooking, Steaming, Microwave or even a BBQ... Just anything... !
You have to Cook and Bake with the Ingredient chosen and link to the Page. Since you have to do both Cooking and Baking, that means YOU WILL HAVE TO LINK TWO RECIPES MINIMUM… That’s Mandatory !!!
 You can link as many recipes as you want with the given ingredient, Spinach for this month but at least two of them should have Cooking and Baking method being used individually. For example, you can link PalakPaneer Paratha and Baked Eggs with Spinach and that makes it two recipes minimum. Basically you can submit as many recipes as you want, using different methods. Since this will run through a long period of 3 months, please only submit recipes to be made during this time. Here is a formal list of rules below, plaese go through them carefully:
  • Submit two (or more) recipes with the given ingredient ( SPINACH  this time ) between 18th Sep-18th December 2012.
  • Both recipes should have adopted different cooking methods, baking and stove/microwave/steaming cooking individually
  • You can submit archived recipes, but atleast one recipe out of two or more should be fresh within the given time period. When updating the old recipes, please do not forget to update and link back to this page.
  • The given Ingredient should be the main ingredient in the dish, a hint of it will not work.
  • Usage of logo is mandatory,  and so is the link back to this page.
  • You can make any cuisine or course, sweet or savoury keeping the cooking methods in mind.
  • No non-veg dishes are allowed please, Eggs can be used openly in baking or Cooking  both.
  • Non-bloggers, please email me at to submit their recipes
  • For any further queries, please email me and I shall get back to you J
Hope to see your wonderful entries very soon…. 


  1. happy hosting dear... ll try out some recipes with spinach...

  2. Nupur thanks for hosting this event. Spinach is my favorite thing and I cant wait to try spinach in both cooking and baking :)

  3. happy hosting... will link my entries soon..

  4. a very healthy event!! will link my entries!!!


    Ongoing Event - Coconut

    Ongoing Event - Healthy Foods for Healthy Kids - Combo Meals

  5. Happy hosting dear..Will try to send some recipes..

  6. Will surely send my entries Nupur

  7. Thanks for letting me know about this. Time to take out the spinach. Actually, I cook with spinach a lot but often, it is raw and that doesn't count. Off to do my homework.

  8. Just linked my entry, Nupur :) Happy hosting
    btw, feel that the text length on linkytool is just too small to name the dish. Pl do consider increasing the length of the text field !
