Tuesday 25 September 2012

Aate ka Halwa : Whole Wheat Pudding

Have you ever been to Langar in Gurudwara.. Am sure many of you would have been there.. If not, please pay a visit to your nearest Gurudwara.. not only for Pooja and Mann Ki Shanti, but also for this amazing Prasad which is called Khara Prasad. in my childhood I used to go to Gurudwaras only to have this sweet, and the kind people doing Seva there never said no for second, sometimes third servings. 

Mind you, I have used a lot of Ghee and Sugar in this recipe. But thats what makes this recipe what it is. Many of my friends from Southern India have not had it and they have loved every bite of it whenever I serve them with this delicious Dessert. Go ahead and prepare this, perfect for any Pooja and festivities. 

This Pudding uses Whole Wheat flour, so its "Healthy"... People would say that .. Just because eating "Whole Grains" have become the new "It" verse. Hello !! Welcome to India and being Indian. If we dont indulge ourselves into the Junk Food from Non-Indian joints, and eat Ghar ka Khana... Our diet, very proudly, is a balanced mix of whole grains and vegetables. We take Chapathi and Rice in our meals for carbs, along with Lentils & legumes for Proteins and vegetables for minerals. Plus there are spices present with their anti-bacterial effects and a bowl of curd for keeping digestion at peace makes it just perfect. And then we have desserts like this pudding.. to tingle our taste buds even more. So, why not stick to our own roots and enjoy the ghar ka khana.. As of now, enjoy this whole wheat Halwa.. :)

What you need ?
  • 1 cup Whole Wheat Flour
  • 1 cup Ghee
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 2 ½ cups warm Water
  • Assorted nuts of your choice

How to make ?
  • Pour in all the Ghee in a pan and heat it. When it’s hot, add in the Whole Wheat Flour and start roasting it at low flame. This process will take long time, around 12-15 minutes of conti9nous stirring should yield in the desired aroma and texture of the Flour.
  • Add in the Sugar and mix it with the roasted flour. When its mixed properly after caramelising, start adding water stirring the mixture rigorously else it will form lumps. Please note that while pouring in water in one go, the steam might hurt your hand.. So either wear an oven glove or ask somebody else to do it for you with both hands while you are stirring the mixture.

  • Keep the flame on medium and cook further for another 4-5 minutes. You may feel the need of adding more water, I usually add another half cup sometimes. Depends on the ghee and flour really. And the consistency you want

My Notes: 
  • Its good to be eaten on its own, but you  can decorate it with nuts
  • You can add a bit of Saffron mixed with 1 tsp Milk, if you prefer the taste. I just like it on its own. 
Some other Halwas/Puddings I have prepared before :

Off to my own event : Lets Celebrate - Indian Sweets 


  1. WOW!!! Delicious my mom used to make this.

  2. Yummy halwa!! love the nutty spread over it..

  3. Looks awesome & mouthwatering.

  4. Mouthwatering and yummy pudding !! loved the nutty spread !!

  5. arre i had made this my home way long bck

    aate ka seera is really yummy and heavy dish and we at times hv during breakfast

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  6. Hey, I love the pics and your recipes and have passed along the ‘One Lovely Blog Award’ to you. Congratulations!
    For more info visit: http://cookcookandcook.wordpress.com/2012/09/26/my-first-award-one-lovely-blog/

  7. Droolworthy and highly irresistible halwa.

  8. Lovely pics! And yumm looking halwa.. I love nuts and the crunchy texture that they add to sweets like halwa.

  9. There was a Gurudwara right next to my college and every other day my friends and I would drop by for this halwa. The best, most delicious halwa ever. I didn't know it's made with aata.

  10. Halwa Looks delicious, just like you even I go to the Gurdwara for prayers but eagerly wait for this prasad, its the most delicious sweet for me.

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  11. Yummy halwa! Mouth drooling!!

