Sunday 7 October 2012

Peanut Chutney & Award Shower...

This Peanut Chutney is a staple in my home in true sense. I love the sweet fragrance and can have my Chapatis with just the Chutney and nothing else. I had it first when my SIL prepared it for our Trip to Patna, along with fried Idli. Ohh ! Just a small note for Fried Idlis, they taste really different and yummy. Just shallow fry fresh idlis in 1 tbsp Mustard oil along with some Mustard seeds and enjoy the twist in the usual bland Idlis ( Although I adore this bland taste )

Anyways, coming back to the Chutney, I had it first time that day and have been a fan ever since. Its a very easy and quick addition to the simple food we have in our daily lives. Since peanuts are a good source of Fiber and Proteins, and healthy fats too I dont mind including it in our menu. You can also have it as a dip for snacks and Appetizers or as a dressing to the Salad.. 

I usually keep a container full of roasted and ground peanuts to have this Chutney in a jiffy. Though the original recipe called for skinned peanuts, I keep the skin on and it doesnt affect the taste at all, infact I like the course texture. I also include Flax Seeds in the recipe to enhance the nutritive value of the dip. Sometime I also include a tbsp  of Sesame seeds, just playing around with this delicious favorite gives me satisfaction of having good food for my family .. Lets get to a quick pulse of the recipe .. 

To grind together :
1 cup peanuts, roasted
1 tbsp flax seed
1 tbsp Sesame seed
1/2 cup coriander leaves
3-4 garlic pods
1 small piece of ginger
2 green chilies

1/4 cup Curd, ( you may need more )
Salt to taste

For tempering
1 tsp Mustard Oil
Few curry leaves ( optional )
2-3 dried red chilies
1 tsp Mustard seeds


  • Pulse all the above ingredients ( given for grinding, except curd ) and grind well. DO take care not to over do it ,since it should maintain its course texture. 
  • Add curd and pulse again so that it gets mix evenly. 
  • Heat oil in a pan, splutter Mustard seeds and add curry leaves and dried red chilies. 
  • Add this to the Chutney and fold in well. 
  • Enjoy , keep refrigerated for almost a week. 

And next comes the Awards I have got in past few days, I am so so thankful to all my fellow bloggers for these awards, which keep me motivated and keep going for some better work.

Julie has passed on this Lovely participation award for her event : Christmas Delicacy 

Vidhya's Participation award for Love Lock with Sweets event
Preeti from Icing Cakes passed me this little cute award for ' A Vesatile Blogger'. Thanks Preeti, love this sweet green award...

The rules for accepting this award are:
1. Add the Versatile Blogger Award.
2. Thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
3. Share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
4. Include this set of rules.
5. Forward this award to 15 fellow bloggers, and inform them with a comment on each of their blogs.

Well, 7 random things about me are :

  1. I am a trained Classical dancer. I love Dancing, infact I forget everything when I dance. 
  2. Apart from cooking, my other hobby is reading Fiction Crime thrillers. I can be found in Library when not in Kitchen :)
  3. I enjoy travelling to different places and exploring new cultures and cuisines. 
  4. I am not a sportsperson but Sachin Tendulkar is my first love. 
  5. I dont like bananas, cold drinks and Samosa .. Weird but True.. ;)
  6. I love English series '' Sex and the City'', ''Friends'', ''Pretty Little Liars'' and ''How I met your mother'' a lotttt ... Have watched all the seasons hundred of times..
  7. Although I am into Marketing, some day I would like to become a full time teacher. :D

Well that was about me.. And now, the next 15 bloggers I would like to pass on this award are :

Anusha from Tomato Blues

Simran from Lazy Cook Kitchen

Anjali from Spice n Sugar Tales

Sonu from Palate Corner

Priyanka from Buon Appetito

Nashi from Plateful

Sobha from Good Food

Biny from Biny's Recipes

Divya from Divya's Recipes

Nivi from Bon Appetit

Maha from Maha's Lovely Home

Rathai from Rathai Recipes

Vidhas from Appetizing Recipes

Nandini from Foodiliciousnan

Padmajha from Seduce your taste buds

Gayathri from Gayathri's Cook Spot

Congrats Ladies, I love your blogs and am a regular visitor. Hence when I thought of passing this award, you came into my mind. Please collect your award and leave me a message...

Thnx for your lovely wishes and encouragement gals, keep rocking ! Tadaa... !! 


  1. Nice chutney. Congrats for your award and nice to know about u too..:)

  2. New recipe for peanut chutney. Nice.

  3. Quiet a new recipe !! looks delicious !! Congrats dear !! keep Rocking !!

    Ongoing event CC-Dish For Loved Ones

  4. hey this is absolutely awesome..;)
    congrats on yur well deserved awards dear..
    Tasty Appetite

  5. Lovely clicks and recipe. I love idli but have never eaten it fried. Thanks for the award, Nupur. :) I feel really honoured, dear. I'm in a rush right now but will post this on my blog soon. Take care.

  6. nupur thank you so much for the award dearie and the chutney idea is wonderful addition of flax seems a good idea

  7. chutney luks yummmm...congrats for the awards !!!!!!!

  8. This chutney is an absolute green delight to match each and everything I can dream of. Congratulations for your awards dear, and thanks for passing on one to me with so much grace and love.

    Ongoing Event: Cakes, Cookies and Desserts

  9. Chutney looks delicious. Congrats on the rain of awards and wishing you many more in future. Thanks a lot for sharing with me.

  10. peanut chutney looks amazing :) :) kudos to your awards.. !! thank you so much for your awards.. it is my pleasure :) :)

  11. hello dear....congratulations!....the chutney looks awesome and inviting!

  12. lovely chutney, i usually dnt add the coriander leaves...this looks great, love the colour and looks yummy..Congrats on ur awards and Thanx a lot for passing it to me :)

    Join the Just "4" Fun event :)

  13. nice chutney!addition of flax seeds..... ..pretty interesting..congrats on the award..and thank you so much for passing it on to me too:)

  14. thx dear....appreciate dat u tot of me....muffins are cute and gorgeous...

  15. Love this recipe. Thanks.
    Congrats on the award

  16. A classical dancer eh? Wow! I'm also a trained dancer and I really love dancing. Guess what else we have in common? Love of reading and traveling! Thanks so much for thoughtfully sharing your awards with me! And congrats to you too!!

  17. So sweet of you to pass this on to me,Nupur :). And nice to read about you too. I love love 'friends' series and I have watched them umpteen times and don't mind watching them all over again :)

  18. Thanks for the award Nupur! It feels great. And glad to have come across your lovely blog thanks to this!

  19. Thank u Nupur for this lovely award ..sorry for commenting and collecting this award late laptop had broken down :( ...will soon post on my blog

  20. Lovely chutney Nupur with so many healthy ingredients :-) great awards and to happy to read read your comments in my space. You have a wonderful space and i must say you really are too good in making parathas, think i should learn from you how to master it. Good luck and will drop in frequently.

    Take care

  21. Congrats on your award. You have an excellent blog.
